Stop Your PC from Forcing You to Upgrade to Windows 10
This is an excellent tool that I seem to have stumbled upon, Never10 is a lightweight software patch that keeps your computer from upgrading itself or forcing you to upgrade to Windows 10.
This is an excellent tool that I seem to have stumbled upon, Never10 is a lightweight software patch that keeps your computer from upgrading itself or forcing you to upgrade to Windows 10.
Windows Users Conned into Upgrading to Widows 10
Microsoft has done it again by decreasing the amount of trust Consumers have towards Microsoft Users. It has been discovered that Microsoft is conning Windows users by tricking them into upgrading their Operating System from Windows 7/8/8.1 up to Windows 10 when all they remember is that they clicked the close button to keep this from actually happening!
Offensive Security (OS) has reached an outstanding milestone of being able to release an awesome Rolling Edition of Kali Linux. The OS Team are very confident in this Rolling Edition as a stable yet powerful Security Penetration Tool to be used by security professionals for different types of applications.
Plex is cloud based application used to enhance your movie backup collection, wink-wink, to allow you to access your media in a Netflix-esque application of which is available on a wide range of media devices.
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