
Europe & United States – Hit By Major Ransomware CyberAttack

Hackers exploiting malicious software stolen from the National Security Agency executed damaging cyberattacks on Friday that hit dozens of countries worldwide, forcing Britain’s public health system to send patients away, freezing computers at Russia’s Interior Ministry and wreaking havoc on tens of thousands of computers elsewhere.

The attacks amounted to an audacious global blackmail attempt spread by the internet and underscored the vulnerabilities of the digital age.

Transmitted via email, the malicious software locked British hospitals out of their computer systems and demanded ransom before users could be let back in — with a threat that data would be destroyed if the demands were not met.

By late Friday the attacks had spread to more than 74 countries, according to security firms tracking the spread. Kaspersky Lab, a Russian cybersecurity firm, said Russia was the worst-hit, followed by Ukraine, India and Taiwan. Reports of attacks also came from Latin America and Africa.

The attacks appeared to be the largest ransomware assault on record, but the scope of the damage was hard to measure. It was not clear if victims were paying the ransom, which began at about $300 to unlock individual computers, or even if those who did pay would regain access to their data.

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Wi-Fi Password Generator

Have you ever wondered if your Wi-Fi Password was secure enough to keep un-authorized users from accessing your home Wi-Fi Network? Perhaps the wireless router you bought had all the bells and whistles and already had a Wi-Fi Password on the sticker, right? Well, sorry to bust your bubble that may not be the safest way to keep your home network safe. Its highly recommended that a new Wi-Fi Password be configured into the home router with a very difficult character string.

In order to select a difficult Wi-Fi key, a lengthy character string is recommended to keep malicious users from cracking your password. Malicious users have done their homework and know all the default passwords that come with Wi-Fi routers you buy from the store. The following links are sites that can assist with creating that hard-to-get password for your home Wi-Fi network.

Using the above sites to toughen your Wi-Fi Password is another step taken to securing your identity while using the Internet. There are so many terrible things that could happen if your Wi-Fi Password is “12345” or “Password123”.